Happy Friday!

Friday, February 27, 2009

It's Friday!! Yay!!

I finally got a good night's sleep last night. I was so happy that I actually got out of bed when the alarm went off instead of hitting snooze for an hour.

Congratulations to Nora! She found out today that Jeremy and Tina are having a little boy. It looks like she's getting a granddaughter and a grandson now. How exciting! I'm so happy for her.

We started the weekend with dinner out at On the Border (www.ontheborder.com) tonight. Brisket Tacos rule! I tried the pepper jack mashed potatoes tonight instead of beans and rice. They were okay, needed more cheese. I added some of the queso which perked them right up.

Tomorrow night is Lacrosse - Lumberjax vs. Philadelphia Wings. Portland is 2nd in the division behind Calgary now. Go Jax!!

Kyle leaves for eastern Oregon Sunday. :( He'll be back Thursday night. :) I wish I would have planned to go to Phoenix with him in 2 weeks, not only to spend the week with him instead of being home alone, but because it's that time again - spring training. The Cubs and Mariners both won today. Go Cubs!! Go Mariners!! We haven't been to a game in a few years. Maybe we can work one in this summer....Hmmm, could go to Lacey for bead shopping (www.shipwreckbeads.com) then to Seattle for baseball. I'll be checking our calendar!

Lots to do this weekend - take down Valentine decorations, return Christmas gifts that never made it to the recipients, laundry, cleaning, etc. I think it's supposed to be raining all weekend. It was 26 degrees this morning. I would be happy if that was the end of that. Some people from work are going to Florida and Hawaii next week. Maybe they'll bring some sunshine back with them.

Happy weekend!